Thursday, November 17, 2011

Art Acts for Change

 Art Acts for Change, Vickie Jo Sowell's Studio Gallery, Emeryville, CA Dec 2008 


Mixed media installation
As love, hope and dreams know no borders; violence, disillusionment, despair and death know no borders as well. Blood and tears of violated and murdered women in Guatemala, Mexico, the rest of Latin America and the world call us once again to respond to a crisis that worsens and continues today to be shrouded by a veil of silence, disinterest and impunity.

The altar we have created brings to light the plight of women, most specifically in Guatemala, Central America and Mexico as well as throughout the world, who are victims of gender based violence and murder. We draw inspiration from the Mayan civilization and the physical representation of the pyramid/temple with its literal and spiritual significance.  Using the different levels of the pyramid/temple we illustrate the ugliness and prevalence of the forces oppressing  women throughout the world, as well as the murder of specific women.

The tears and blood of the “sacrificed” woman fill a basket held by an indigenous woman and an urn collects the blood at the foot of the stairs.  Blood and tears are essential life forces…may they be gathered from those who have been victims of life denying forces, to flow forth and affirm life.
The two female figures rising at the top of the temple, vow to remember and represent those who have been “sacrificed”.  They call for all of us who create and view this piece to work toward the end of the violence and to transform the region and the world into places
where people treat one another with respect and love.
The red “Huipil” (Guatemalan traditional garment) behind the pyramid symbolizes the project.  The powerful forces of the sun and the moon on each side of the “sacrificial temple” represent the Hero Mayan twins, “Shabalank” and “Hunahpu” who tricked and destroyed the dark lords and triumphed over evil, making the Earth ready for the creation of human beings.   We call upon these symbols for strength and inspiration.

water color, gouache, graphite, ink, white charcoal, on paper,
oyster mushroom spawn
Mushrooms and the mycelial network from which they fruit are the "great recyclers" of the forest.  They are constantly transforming, digesting even, some of the toughest substances like wood and rocks, thereby creating rich soil.  They can also break down harmful toxins like crude oil spilled into the environment and then transform that oil into food for their own growth. It turns out mushrooms, toadstools, fungi, whichever you choose to call them, can help us undo some of the damage we humans have done to our eco-systems.

Paul Stamets, a pioneer in fungus research and development has even discovered a way to use the mycelia of certain fungal species to control populations of destructive insects like termites, carpenter ants, mosquitos, and locusts; read, non-petroleum based pesticides.
Certain fungus planted as companions in the home garden (and used in reforestation) can increase the vigor, and yield of the other plants.   Equally as important, filters of wood chips and straw infused with mushroom mycelium can keep harmful bacteria, emanating from livestock feedlots, out of our waterways and bays and therefore out of our food and water supply.*  These are amazing organisms... learn more and spread the word.

*Stamets, Paul  2005    Mycelium Running, Berkeley, Ca
Ten Speed Press

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