

EcoArt student shows have included:

Conversations with Earth, Big Daddy's Garden, Emeryville, CA May 2011 
SOS Save Our (earth) Ship, June Steingart Gallery, Laney campus, Fall 2010 
Fresh Digs, Big Daddy's Garden, Emeryville, CA May 2010
Global Warnings, June Steingart Gallery, Laney campus, Fall 2009
Art Roots Here, Big Daddy's Community Garden, Emeryville, CA May 2009
Art Acts for Change,
 Vickie Jo Sowell's Studio Gallery, Emeryville, CA Dec 2008
Matters of Fact, Art Center Gallery, Laney campus 2008
Heart of the Matter, Addison Street Windows Gallery, Berkeley  2008
Eco Art Matters,   Oakland Zoo Educational Center  2008
Heart of the Matter,  Art Center Gallery, Laney campus  2007
Inconvenient Art,   June Steingart Gallery, Laney campus 2006
eARTh Matters,   June Steingart Gallery, Laney campus  2006
     and Berkeley City College Sustainability Conference  2006
Bio-Logic, Eco–Action,   Oakland Museum  2005

Almost every semester we put together an eco art show. If you are interested in the mission of this class and would like to help out by lending us gallery space, please email the instructor, Andree Thompson at